
3:54 AM

"Please go back to school.. Its Liverpool, not liver the fool. U dont wanna sound stupid and embarass urself in front of others."by FT via tweeter

well, sangat2 annoying dan sangat2 geram pada seorang artis yang sangat2 poyo.. sblm ni i respect you and your career.. after wut u have done to me, sorry...its make my respect to you lesser.. i know your english or maybe your education level is better than me, but please dun try to be perfectionist ok...
hello cik abang, you know the meaning of joke kan.. so, if that a mistake if someone is making a joke...
is not the big deal if rival of a team pronounce liver the fool in term of Liverfool... xda mendatangkan ape2 masalah pun.... selama ni everybody takes it as a joke.. nak more example chelsea jadi chelshit.. arsenal jadi arsengal and so on.. cepat sangat nak melatah sampai sound orang...
i dun even understand you.. omg... omg...

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