Assalam readers. .bloggers. .
Dah bersawang ok my blog. . Latest update pun by july 2013.. see.. For how long I didnt Update mine...
Nak kata sibuk.. org lain pun sibuk.. the main reason is my attitude. Malas...
Seriously. . Mmg masa tu cemburu sgt.. who said that working with government is easy.. cukup bln amik gaji je.. I dun think so.. I juz dunno.. ni my personal view je.. xda kna mengena dgn org lain..
My final xm next week je bai.. n I'm in a dead meat.. masa x cukup.. errr can I stop the time for a second pls.. I do need more time to survive b4 the xm.. and u know what time2 hujung2 waktu ni la byk pulak commitment towards my job.. what to do.. as my staffs n office mates said la 'saya yang menurut perintah'.. dugaan kan...
Ok..I think I should stop here..will write it soon insya'allah..
P/s : sgt stress tgk game yg sgt hebat between totenham v man.united.. ape daa shitty bole beat totenham 5-0 kot.. united draw je.. respect la ko moyes... but whatever it is always Believe. Respect . United
Shida rosli
salam guys.. selamat berpuasa untuk hari yang ke 9..
well.. nak share story about yesterday.. jap.. korang dah habis tawaf pasar ramadhan dekat tempat korang? me myself baru 2 tempat je.. jalan dari mula sampai hujung.. pastu beli air semata.. fav air ofcos air tebu, teh bunga dengan air mata kucing.. katira dah terkenan di hati.. menu kat pasar ramadhan ni mmg mcm2.. bila dah macam tu so, its difficult for me to decide.. end up kadang2 makan meggi sajok.. the most important things yang akan dicari hanya pada bulan ramadhan di pasar ramadhan adalah pudding raja..
Firstly first.. Salam Ramadhan semua..
It's 7th of Ramadhan today...
Alhamdulillah, masih diberikan peluang utk bernafas dan merasai nikmatnya bulan Ramadhan.
semoga amal ibadah kita diterima olehNya.. semoga Ramadhan kali ini memberi hikmah dan kita mendapat keberkatannya..
well.. its been about 4 months bloggy ni terbiar... oh my.. I really got engaged with work within that time.. tiba-tiba being so workaholic kan.. what to do.. saya yang menurut perintah..
honestly.. sangat stress working during that time.. I never feel like this previously even kerja dekat audit firm lagi banyak tekanan.. inside and outside.. to make it short.. actually stress dengan human.. person that I have to work with to.. i can do my job well.. xda masalah.. my problem is with you people..
I realised at my department majority adalah senior.. but it doesn't mean that you are better than me.. we are not perfect.. we are being told to gain knowledge.. learn something new from time to time... then, baru kita boleh uji tahap kemampuan diri kita..
we need each other ok.. then baru la department kita 'alive'
I can accept all the critics.. tp biarlah on the right matter... if u nak critic it's ok.. tp tell me how to make it right.. jangan asyik komplen tp xda solution.. mcm mummy crab ajar anak die berjalan lurus.. things can't be solve if we keep on salahkan orang lain.. we have to sit together and find out the best way to solve the things..
kalau difikirkan semula.. mmg rasa ralat sangat accept this job.. because the environment doesn't suit me well.. tp, on the positive way, maybe ini adalah yang terbaik.. yang paling best.. just be yourself.. even kdg2 people here hurt you so much.. time susah then they saw you.. and lain-lain time they pretend that they dun even see you langsung.. this is my decision.. no turning back time.. just move forward.. harap2 semua yang terjadi ada hikmahnya..
note : rasa lega sangat.. setelah dicurahkan semua yang terbuku dihati kat sini.. i feel free now...
shida rosli
As salam my dear readers... (ada ke..)
I admit, malas nak update this blog.. bz maa...
Niat ada... but with no action taken.. so, jadi la bersawang..
well, its HOT now kan.. PRU 13 is around the corner... by the way.. korang dah mendaftar ke nak mengundi ni.. well, if you doubt about it feel free to check dengan SPR or just click the link Semakan Daftar Pemilih.
kalau keluar details, mcm kat mana nak mengundi.. which Dun and Parlimen yang korang nak vote so, korang dah daftar. but if end up dengan no result found korang rugi sangat. sebab korang tak daftar.. Oh please youngsters this is our chance to make the changes.. Please register and yang dah please vote.. Give your votes to people that you trust to protect us. Kekalkan keamanan yang sedia ada. well, some said UNDI adalah RAHSIA. but please Malaysia choose the right person.
Those yang bertanya-tanya when is The PRU 13... well,
Tarikh Mengundi is on the 5th MAY of 2013 (Ahad).. (8.00 pg - 5.00 ptg)
those yang undi pos the date is on 30th of APRIL 2013 (Selasa)
and 20th of APRIL 2013 (this coming Saturday.. hari paling panas adalah hari penamaan calon)
I guess everybody knew already the candidates as all the medias have cover it up. So, again choose the right person.
For me, this is my 2nd time to vote. My first time was on 2008 PRU ke 12. And for the 2nd time will vote
- pemansuhan proses bantahan dan penarikan balik pencalonan
- penggunaan dakwat kekal,
- pengundian awal bagi anggota tentera dan polis bagi menggantikan undi pos
- membenarkan orang kelainan upaya (OKU) membawa orang yang dipercayai bagi membantu untuk mengundi.
well, i'm so proud because we are moving forward..
there are so many developing here at Temerloh..
coming soon we will have our own uptown.. but please dun expect more or it's should be exactly like Danau Kota.. or Shah Alam.. we are in two different cities and places..
but it is a good start.. so please keep on supporting our local activities..
shida rosli
well readers,
just heard this song.. sangat best.. easy listening and so meaningful..
have a listen first ok..
Istikharah Cinta
Bersaksi cinta diatas cinta
Dalam alunan tasbih ku ini
Menerka hati yang tersembunyi
Berteman dimalam sunyi penuh do'a
Sebut nama Mu terukir merdu
Tertulis dalam sajadah cinta
Tetapkan pilihan sebagai teman
Kekal abadi hingga akhir zaman
Istikharah cinta memanggilku
Memohon petunjukmu
satu nama teman setia
Naluriku berkata
Dipenantian luahan rasa
Teguh satu pilihan
Pemenuh separuh nafasku
Dalam mahabbah rindu
diistikharah cinta..
hello guys...
Nothing much.. just to recall these game while I used to play during my university time (2002-2008)..
these are a MUST play game.. ni sebahagian je as I can't remember the rest..
habis kelas... boring study harusla main game ni.. zaman2 ni mmg I just met with laptop and pen drives.. so, in each pun drive must have a folder that contain a tons of games.. buat collection and we'll seek a new game from another person..
mcm game Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.. while play this game, kamus mmg xpenah lekang as we dun know certain term.. and we write down all the answers.. so, bila play another time, we already have the collection of answers.. just to get the 1 million dollar.. nak game la kiranya..
kalau sim city mmg boleh buat xtidor malam.. sbb it was so addicted.. sekali main mmg susah nak berenti.. and Zuma was the famous game on that time.. everybody knew Zuma.. each pc time tu at least must have game zuma.. hari2 mesti nak kena main.. sampai kdg2 xtau nak main sampai mana...
but now, people used to play games dekat fb je...
siap share and help others lagi..
kadang2 penuh notification with all these games..
well, to tell the truth, mmg dulu i'm the one yg so addicted to facebook game..
bila dah meningkat remaja and the application became so update and complicated jadi terus tak main dah..
below are the fav games at FB...
weee.. time flew so fast... i'm actually turns to 29 years old today.. and i'm getting old.. dah nak masuk 3 series kot..
hello.. nowadays age is just a number kan.. tengok Ryan Giggs player Manchester united tu..
umur 40 pun steady lagi main bola.. (motif ryan gigs??)
Nothing much.. just nak thank to Allah for giving me chance to still breath peacefully.. Alhamdulillah.. To my lovely mom.. sbb sudi melahirkan me kedunia dngan membawa perut selama 9 bulan.. there's nothing can buy the greatest moment.. never..
I knew that i'm not famous so I dun expect lots of ppl to wish me.. for thos who had wish me, thank you so much.. i'm so touched that some ppl do wish me.. (actually thanx the most to FB because they successfully remind them of my birthday)
but the most thing that touched my heart is this pica...
shida rosli
just got KRU's latest album.. with signature ok..
and it's a MUST have item..
no regret at all.. but they will not perform live on stage anymore.. (Sobs..sobs..)
at the age of KRU now.. they think that their time were over.. (to dance..perform on stage)
just keep on berkarya to satisfy their love toward music and of coz to
their loyal fans..
so nak tengok diorang.. just watch their new MV.. the latest one is Wanita xsilap..
sila beli skrg while stock last..
dah bersawang sangat my blog. been ages sungguh x update... my bad... sbb i am so lazy to update..
furthermore, kerja banyak sangat to be done.. to prepare account for the year ended 31 disember 2012..
ohmaigod.. before 1 april dah kena siap tu.. tp dalam pada tu sempat juga jalan2 pergi bod gossip, bola etc..
just xda masa nak update blog sajo.. (bila dah boring tengok numbers.. harusla tengok benda lain kan..)
dalam pada tu juga tgh cari idea ( ye lah tu) nak ubai suai background bagai.. hahaha.. tapi still xda masa..
nantila.. this is my 1st post dalam tahun 2013.. giler lama xberhapdate.. so, i'll make sure paling busuk 1 post in a month.. (macam ada orang baca..) but its ok.. its my diaries.. biau aku sorang-sorang baca..
well, its all for now..
study pun xhabis lagi.. habisla next class terpinga-pinga..
enjoy the holidays guys..
shida the one and only..