Wordless Wednesday - Happy Mode is On

3:42 PM

Assalam and Afternoon readers..

Just finished having a farewell lunch with my ex-boss and other staffs. Well, the food is ok but not that too ok.. so-so aje.. *ikan 3 rasa tak sampai on what i expect, jadi potong selera* My ex-boss pun transfer tak jauh mana, seberang jalan je. He is now a Temerloh District Officer a.k.a D.O baru Temerloh.

Anyway Dato' , thanx for everything.. thanx for the courage and support.. thanx for trusting me and my capability *where others can't see it* and thanx for giving me chance being worked together with you Dato'. *xda orang nak panggil shee dah* and thanx too for the last advice just now. *sumpah, terharu gila*

I will work hard on my own feet, capability, knowledge, and experiences. *dan dibantu dengan my staffs.. yang sangat supporting*  Terharu rasanya when a person give me such that advice.. *mujur tak nangis* 
i am looking forward to work again with you.

By now.. welcome new boss Mr.X..

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