Video Call Facebook!
11:05 AMMorning readers.. Assalamualaikum too..
Mencuri sedikit masa after few hours looking at the figures that I can't solve it yet..
one thing for sure, kat radio ada lagu raya tau..
korang mesti dah well known kan tentang Facebook yang dah di upgrade.. Most of us sangat2 tidak menyukai the new FB.. macam menyemakkan je and not that friendly use lagi.. tapi, wut to do.. dah Mark Zuckerberg yang control kan.. for us ada 2 choices je.. either you want it or just leave it kan.. Sanggup ke berpuasa FB? I bet no.. biarlah xda notification pun, tapi log in FB haruslah setiap hari.. Paling koman, stalking at other page kan..
Do you realize that FB sekarang boleh buat Video Call.. Cam Chat gitu.. advance kan... pada yang biasa chatting tu mesti dah well known dengan benda ni.. kaki-kaki YM.. and of cause la your lappy or your PC ada camera.. be logic la kan.. Cara dia? Hello you all semua dah advance kot.. just click at your online friend and choose to Video Call.. before that biasala you must to accept the application gitu.. senang sangat...
ok lets see Video Call from the aspect of general use..
Bila dah ada Video Call ni.. wut do you expect? Senang kan nak berkomukasi dengan person yang jauh dimata kan.. lets have some examples..
1. adik-beradik/sanak-saudara/anak/keluarga yang ada di oversea atau beribu-ribu batu dari rumah you all.. dapat juga melepaskan rindu kan.. nak tengok anak cucu..mak ayah...
2. tunang/couple/wife/husband - boleh la dak nak tengok wajah memasing.. lepaskan rindu.. mana tau ada yang nak spot check kan.. as everywhere now you can online.. Wi-Fi everywhere.. Broadband now cheaper to subscribe..
3. pada yang online business owner, boleh show terus your product when client request, maklumlah by seeing the photo cannot guarantee the actual product kan.. client puas hati, seller pun untung..
itu je dapat difikirkan at the moment.. will add up bila got more ideas..
well, itu kita tengok from the positive side.. wut about the negative side..
as we knew, FB juga brought along lots of problem.. ada sampai bercerai sebab jumpa semula kekasih hati dekat FB.. ada juga sampai hampir dirogol as you trust the stranger that you kenal tru FB.. Ada yang sanggup deal the sex business tru FB.. Nauzubillah kan.. so dengan adanya video call ni...
1. you can show everything .. EVERYTHING.. because people nowadays are so brave.. even primary school student pun dah expect about sex..
2. wife/husband of somebody yang jumpa GF/BF lama boleh lepaskan rindu masing2.. mula la nak curang.. [it's just an assumption ok]
ok, this one i leave it to you.. anything can happen with the Video Call when you misused the technology and application as well..
For parents, please double supervised your children and your underage daughter & Son.. they all nowadays are very advance regarding technology.. PLEASE.. don't let them jadi hamba technology.. don't let them and us misused the technology..
Ok, for me I use the video call by now just nak tengok my dear Haziq.. even tho the quality of Video Call depends on your connection and your cam too [I think]
Please appreciated the technology.. Fully utilised it in a very good way.. some will said that we are only human.. but human can think well.. but evrything depends on you..depends on your intention.. bad or good its your choice..
till then, will continue soon.. For those yang belum try the video call, Selamat Mencuba..
1 jari dompok
bagus jugak ni